If you’re facing criminal charges in Wichita, you need a lawyer who knows what she’s doing. Nika specializes is experienced in defending all misdemeanor and felony cases. She can help you.
More not-guilty jury-trial verdicts in felony cases than any other Sedgwick County criminal defense attorney between 2009 – 2014
Larceny, Theft, Burglary & More
Assault, Battery & More
Drug Crimes & Possession
Nika has experience winning cases with a broad range of charges.
If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor or felony, Nika can help.
Our Location

Nika Cummings
Nika Cummings has practiced law in Wichita, Kansas for 31 years. Her criminal defense record is impressive, with a large number of dismissed charges and acquittals in Sedgwick County. At one point, she had more not-guilty jury-trial verdicts in felony cases over a 5 year period than any other criminal defense attorney trying cases in Sedgwick County. Nika’s skill comes from experience and determination but also compassion. She has seen everything. She knows good people get into bad situations. If you’re looking for someone to handle your case, give Nika a call.
Have a Misdemeanor or felony?
Nika’s winning record speaks for itself. Year after year, she adds more ‘not guilty‘ verdicts to her record. Her 31 years of experience make her an expert. No matter what the case is, Nika can help.