Over 30 years of experience defending Wichita, Kansas from criminal charges.
Nika has a winning record and will fight to get you the best outcome possible.
Wichita Drug Crimes Lawyer
Were you charged with a drug offense in Wichita, Kansas? Whether cannabis charges or other illicit drug charges, Kansas law can be harsh. Begin defending yourself by hiring a strong lawyer. Nika has over 30 years of experience defending clients from drug charges and winning. As a former prosecutor, she knows what they’re looking for and how to fight it.
It is important to defend yourself forcefully and quickly.
How can a Wichita, Kansas Drug Crimes Attorney help you?
Hiring a Kansas criminal defense attorney like Nika is the first step in fighting drug charges. To defend you against charges, Nika will:
- Investigate all events that led to the arrest
- Consult with experts about the nuances of the case
- Provide you with straightforward answers
- Create an effective defense strategy for your case
- Fight relentlessly to secure your best outcome
- Protect your constitutional rights
- Provide you with the best legal advice at every stage of your case
You need a skilled drug crimes attorney to fight against the accusations of the state of Kansas.
Book a free consultation with Nika at her Wichita law office as soon as possible.

Nika Cummings
Nika Cummings has practiced law in Wichita, Kansas for 31 years. Her criminal defense record is impressive, with a large number of dismissed charges and acquittals in Sedgwick County. At one point, she had more not-guilty jury-trial verdicts in felony cases over a 5 year period than any other criminal defense attorney trying cases in Sedgwick County. Nika’s skill comes from experience and determination but also compassion. She has seen everything. She knows good people get into bad situations. If you’re looking for someone to handle your case, give Nika a call.
Our Location
More not-guilty jury-trial verdicts in felony cases than any other Sedgwick County criminal defense attorney between 2009 – 2014
Have a Misdemeanor or felony?
Nika’s winning record speaks for itself. Year after year, she adds more ‘not guilty‘ verdicts to her record. Her 31 years of experience make her an expert. No matter what the case is, Nika can help.